Storytime: Fairytale Comestibles

January 26th, 2022

A Little Chicken

Edible, but will give you heart palpitations all night long. 

Blackbird Pie

The appeal of this dish depends entirely upon your tolerance for dinner music. 

Cried Wolf

If you really must eat wolf, at least eat it properly prepared.  Cried wolf is practically raw, and not worth paying any attention to. 

Englishman Bread

Made from Englishmen bones, not by Englishmen hands.  Gritty, chalky, tasteless and hard on the gut.  Only recommended for those who detest the British, so 50/50 odds you’ll enjoy this. 

Frog Legs

If you touch your lips to them there is a small but not absent chance they will transform into the legs of a prince, which will be much less hygienic.  Do not consume. 

Gingerbread Cottage

Typically inhabited by cannibalistic and powerfully magical octogenarians.  And will give you cavities. 

Gingerbread Man

Much safer than the gingerbread cottage, but almost impossible to get a hold of. 

Golden Eggs

Not actually edible, but can be exchanged for money which can be traded for food itself so you shou

Golden Goose

oh for fuck’s sake you IDIOT

Little Red Hen

Edible, if a trifle over-indulgent and smug.  Best enjoyed with a loaf of nice fresh bread. 

Magic Beans

Gives you terrible wind, but delicious.  Unfortunately they will also grow a skyscraper-sized beanstalk out of your gut. 

Monkey’s Paw

You’ll wish you hadn’t. 

One Entire Grandmother

If you need to be told why this isn’t acceptable there’s something wrong with you. 

Pea From a Princess’s Mattress

It looks small and theoretically it’s nourishing, but it sits in your stomach like a bowling ball.  Not only will you be up tossing and turning all night, unable to sleep, you’ll probably end up with an impacted colon to boot. 

Poisoned Apple

This is actually almost safe, provided you only eat the white half.  The red half of the apple puts you into a deathlike coma unless you spit it out, and since few bother to perform the Heimlich maneuver on a corpse, you run the risk of getting buried alive, cremated, or stuffed into a glass casket before anyone notices what’s up. 

Porridge That is Too Cold

It’s too cold. 

Porridge That is Too Hot

It’s too hot.

Porridge That is Just Right

This one tastes okay, but may lead to you being eaten by bears.

Pumpkin Carriage

Tastes like road mud, mice, and someone’s ass.  Avoid at all costs. 

Roc Eggs

By the time you’ve managed to crack the shell – which will probably take six months, with a full demolition crew – they’ll have hatched on their own.  Which is bad, because they’ll be hungry. 

Stone Soup

Surprisingly good!  Just remember to add the water, marrow, stock, potato, carrot, leeks, onion, garlic, chicken, tomato, beef, and a splash of wine to impart a bit of flavour and body to the stone. 

Swan Maiden

Have you ever tried to fight a swan?  Don’t try.  Don’t even ask.  Just don’t. 

Three Little Pigs

Be reasonable: nobody can eat that much, ‘little’ or not. 

Tortoise With Hare

The tortoise is excellent so long as you don’t eat it too fast.  Don’t bother with the hare: it’ll put you to sleep. 

Trails of Breadcrumbs

Will inevitably be eaten by birds, leaving you to starve to death in the middle of the woods. 

Wishing Fish

Yes, the fish is not actually magical beyond being able to speak lies.  Yes, it will never actually grant you the wish it promises you for releasing it.  Yes, it will laugh hurtfully at you for falling for its bullshit every time it leaves.  But you don’t want to eat it.  Its ability to talk doesn’t fade with ingestion, and it will sob pitifully the entire time. 

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