Things That Are Awesome: Lucky, Lucky, Lucky Thirteen.

June 23rd, 2021

Still happens.

-The durdliness of youth. 

-Unnecessary spikes, when placed side by side with necessary spikes.

-Jujubes.  Not the objects, the word.  So round. 
-Rumbling, rambling, rambunctious rhinoceroses. 

-Cloning dinosaurs hither-thither. 

-An unmourned lack of bananas. 

-Prolonged cackling.

-Not prorogued cackling.  Very different. 

-Sawbones that saw bones but never sawed the bones, only saw them. 

-Dropping the ball and just walking away.  Damn thing can pick itself up if it’s so super important.

-Piddly tiddlywinks. 

-Islands.  They’re very neat. 

-Parallel evolution of the useless and weird. 

-Big brass brains. 

-Falling, freely. 

-Stonemen rising up against the stickmen to break their bones, because their words have never hurt them. 

-Aprons being completely distinct in every way from a prawn.

-A complex system of drydocks and shipyards for crafting, servicing and repairing giant ammonites, horseshoe crabs, trilobites, jellyfish, etc.

-And the large offshore batteries responsible for keeping away rogue giant sea turtles. 


-But not as much so as cronching. 

-The use of bone, soft tissue, keratin, etc. to produce something that isn’t teeth but functions similarly and looks disturbingly like them. 

-The triumph of the gelatinous. 

-Many, many, many, many, many toboggans. 

-Skipping stones to pick up sticks instead. 

-Gregorian choral nose-humming. 

-Titanic bumblebees.  That, for some reason, produce normal amounts of honey. 

-Whale harpooning.

-To be clear: whales, harpooning.  The other way around is mean-spirited, but I think we can all agree that they deserve a turn

-Unorthodox monumental building materials.  Ice, living trees, fossilized vertebrae, nonfossilized vertebrae; dentures; yarn, etc.

-The Great Coupon Coup of ‘52.

-Clipping, pruning, picking, tweaking, filing, and nudging. 

-Unnerving norms. 

-Plates that are also sort of dishes. 

-Dishes that are also sort of plates.

-But not sporks.  Too on the nose.

-Things that miss being on the nose but succeed in being on the ear, eye, chin, etc.

-Revealing reverberations.

-Too much that just isn’t enough. 

-Valiant spiders.

-Noble centipedes.

-Valiant spiders and noble centipedes feuding to the death over petty and inglorious greed as encapsulated in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth

-Nothing that can’t be fixed. 

-Fixed things that can’t be not. 

-Peaceful and friendly supernatural cannibalistic entities that provide valuable services in recycling nutrients and fortifying the soil while preventing the spread of disease by consuming the dead with their giant fanged maws. 


-Something for nothing after years of nothing for something. 

-The basiled-up files of Mrs. Mix E. Frankweiler.  They smell nice. 

-Skipping on sunshine.  Such a waste to just walk on it. 

-Minced, chopped, and reduced oaths. 

-A broken promise, reglued. 

-Wartsing Matilda. 

-A good old-fashioned dust-down dust-up dust-a-bit-to-the-sides.  Nothing cleans out a room like it. 

-Glowing things. 

-Animals that enjoy rhythm. 

-Robustness in the fragile. 

-And fragility in the robust. 

-Things with melted cheese.  Most of them, really.

-Benevolent generosity from rodents towards their lesser primate kin. 

-Prim prime primate primates.

-A nice homely carcass with room for the whole family into retirement, a fixer-up that really rewards putting in that extra gnawing and jointing. 


-Anti-royalist rumbles.  Let’s put that crown in the ground.

-Sustained ravenousness.  

-Turned worms.

-Glorious undersea civilizations that go unnoticed because they’re populated by flatworms, nothing but flatworms, vast and breathtaking vistas and thronerooms and parliament halls and monuments lost to time because come on these are flatworms the  entire city is like nine metres square and made of mud it’s really not that worth looking at. 

-Trees that have renounced the violence that is their birthright that now live in peaceful communes, sharing the sunlight, water and soil nutrients equally so that all might grow in harmony. 

-Chipmonks in their chipabbeys, bowing their heads in little chipcassocks as they chant chipgorian hymnals to chipgod. 

-Drawn-out lullagoodbyes. 

-Cold breezes on warm days.  Keeps the sun from getting cocky. 

-Conjoined cojones. 

-Screaming woods.  No whispering, no murmuring, just screaming.  Animals, plants, soil, everything.  All screaming.  At all times.  Without stopping.  Forever.

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